SIMON GOLAND is a self-dubbed “contemporary alchemist.” While the more traditional explanation of alchemy is related to the transmutation of any metal into silver or gold, there is also a metaphorical meaning of the concept. On a human level, Simon sees alchemy as a deep, spiritual transformation of self. This is his work - facilitating transformational learning with individuals, groups, and organizations.
Simon Says (coincidentally, this is also the name of his facilitation, education, and coaching business) that the capacity to adapt to changing times and circumstances is a lifelong process that is crucial to our success as individuals, communities, and organizations. Simon’s focus is on the lifelong learning journey of our human evolution, using a rich and non-traditional combination of both ancient and modern approaches and frameworks.
Simon is an engaging and creative educator at heart, who cultivates environments for collaboration and learning. He is passionately committed to supporting his local and international clients develop the clarity and vision they need to define and fulfill their purpose. Simon’s lifelong love affair with performing arts started years ago, first through a one-man storytelling performance, and then with Playback Theatre and other forms of self-expression. Performing arts, creativity, experiential learning, and self-expression find their way into all aspects of Simon’s life, both personal and professional.
A lot more details, personal are professional, can be found on Simon’s website: .